Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sciences...of all sorts

The Boy loves science, and has started a list of kinds of science. Here's the current list:
Today I had to clean our shower and I replaced the shower curtain with a pretty chocolate brown one that can be washed. I have come to hate the bleach concoctions that Dave uses to clean the shower, so I used vinegar, water, baking soda, and a lot of elbow grease. On a side note, I really felt good about using a more natural, less toxic way to clean.
So back to science, The Boy was very excited to pour the vinegar/water mixture into the baking soda and watch it foam up. He even got into scrubbing the tile in the shower (it was WAY over due for a cleaning), but that only lasted for a while. :) You know how hard work makes little children weak at the knees. LOL
I explained the the chemical reaction between the vinegar and baking soda to him and feel satisfied on our science lesson for the day.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our first Meme! Woohoo!

Today starts our first meme. Didn't even know what a meme was until I recently became a member of the christian unschoolers Facebook page. So, a meme is a when there are some set questions and we answer them each week.

Here are our questions.

This week we want to.... try to get more organized. I know that probably doesn't sound very 'unschooler' of me, but I feel like I'm floundering around not getting anything done.

The kid is... back to normal after his scare with swallowing the battery. We are also looking into some computer games today.

I am learning... I don't feel like I'm learning much of anything, but I'm sure that's a lie.

I am struggling with... hormones, whether or not to change cover groups, and if so, whwere do we go?

This week is the first time... don't really have any idea.

Hopefully next week I'll have a better idea.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Balancing Act

We have a pretty good sized list of things to do today, but I'm still in my nightgown! The reason is my love/hate relationship with my computer. I really enjoy being in contact with my friends, old and new alike, but I find myself on here way too much.

I have just found a new group of friends - The Unschoolers. LOL sounds kinda like The Incredibles. Several of them have blogs and we're going to be doing a meme. That's a new word for me. It's a couple of questions that we will answer each week, post them on our blog and post a link back to Christians Unschoolers.

These questions are floating around in my head. I struggle with___. My kid is doing_____. etc. There are several things I struggle with. getting off the computer. dealing with my temper and Joseph's.

He is sittiing here getting irrate because he can't remember how to rebuild the 'ship' he just destroyed. ?????

Oh my gosh! really? Ok. I'm getting off here. Have a great day!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

...2 years later...

I can't believe it has been two years since I've been on this blog. That is just crazy. I guess homeschooling - really figuring out what that is... and isn't, has been an interesting journey the last 2 years.

I am now working part time at a different optometrist from before we started homeschooling. It really is a God send. I can take doodlebug with me, and he hangs out until Dave comes and gets him. What does he do during that time? Some times he takes some toys. Other times we take my laptop and he watches a movie with earphones. The cool part is when we have children waiting to either be seen by the dr. or just waiting with their parents. He has gotten a lot better at making friends quickly and playing well with others. Imagine that - a socialized homeschooler. =P

Well, I must go. I have been on the computer long enough. I have a little boy who is getting very antsie