Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our first Meme! Woohoo!

Today starts our first meme. Didn't even know what a meme was until I recently became a member of the christian unschoolers Facebook page. So, a meme is a when there are some set questions and we answer them each week.

Here are our questions.

This week we want to.... try to get more organized. I know that probably doesn't sound very 'unschooler' of me, but I feel like I'm floundering around not getting anything done.

The kid is... back to normal after his scare with swallowing the battery. We are also looking into some computer games today.

I am learning... I don't feel like I'm learning much of anything, but I'm sure that's a lie.

I am struggling with... hormones, whether or not to change cover groups, and if so, whwere do we go?

This week is the first time... don't really have any idea.

Hopefully next week I'll have a better idea.

1 comment:

  1. YAH Nicole! (Um, a meme is actually anything that a community joins in on the internet-- usually it spreads on its own but weekly memes are often like this though sometimes they are something new each week or like Wordless Wednesday where you just post a picture each Wed.)

    So glad your son is all right. That was crazy! I am surprised it never happened with my middle child though we were almost at the emergency room 2 nights in a row once because the first night she drank benedryl and the next she tried to swallow a balloon. :)

    And judging from your posts you are learning a lot-- look you learned what meme is!
