Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sciences...of all sorts

The Boy loves science, and has started a list of kinds of science. Here's the current list:
Today I had to clean our shower and I replaced the shower curtain with a pretty chocolate brown one that can be washed. I have come to hate the bleach concoctions that Dave uses to clean the shower, so I used vinegar, water, baking soda, and a lot of elbow grease. On a side note, I really felt good about using a more natural, less toxic way to clean.
So back to science, The Boy was very excited to pour the vinegar/water mixture into the baking soda and watch it foam up. He even got into scrubbing the tile in the shower (it was WAY over due for a cleaning), but that only lasted for a while. :) You know how hard work makes little children weak at the knees. LOL
I explained the the chemical reaction between the vinegar and baking soda to him and feel satisfied on our science lesson for the day.

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