Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm moving

Well, for now it's just in cyberspace. God has a lot of stuff to do before it is actually a physical move.

I have officially had enough of Blogger's crap, so I'm taking my toys and leaving. Please follow me to -

Thursday, August 4, 2011

ICU ~ Intensive Care for the Christian Unschooler

Ok. So I'm a day late, but better late then never.

This week we want to… maybe go to the zoo. We have talked about creating another fairy habitat.

The kid is…really enjoying He has learned that 30+30=60 because 3+3=6. It finally clicked along with more advanced adding from scoring 'rox' (currency) while playing games on this website. That is so exciting to me! He apparently told Dave (dh) while watching Little House on the Prairy, that he wants to learn how to read. This is a very interesting development because he has said recently that he still hates math and reading. We just returned 9 books to the library that we didn't read once. So while I'm excited, I'm also not quite convinced. We'll see.

I am learning… I just made my first batch of laundry soap. That was fun. Can't wait to use it. I am going to attempt to make bread with my bread maker for the first time.

I am struggling with…being rather irritated with my child. Truth be told he isn't the problem. Car trouble is the problem. We just spent $600 to fix it, and it ran all of a week! Dave and I are very frustrated. It started acting up on the way to the Gulf on July 17th. We got about an hour and a half away from home and got stranded. We spent 8 hrs on a hot, rainy Sunday either in front of Advanced Auto Parts or at a mechanic's shop. The mechanic ended up driving us all the way back home to get Dave's car, so we could at least get to the beach. He had the car for a total of 2 weeks, brought it back up here for us, which was very nice, but now it's doing something similar, but not exactly like it was previously. We simply don't have the money to keep dumping into this car. Dave seems to be convinced that because it's a Toyota that we should be able to get 200,000 miles out of it. It already has 150,000. I'm ready to throw in the towel and get something else. My hopes are for an old VW bug. We'll see.

This week is the first time…I've made laundry soap a fairy garden.

I am grateful…that I'm feeling better. I've started taking some vitamins and a new medication. I think it might be starting to help in a couple of ways.

Something God has taught me this week is…that I need stop judging some specific people, and just love them.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Today my boy is 7 years old

I can't believe it!

Today is also Meme day!

This week we want to … pack for the beach, prepare for birthday party

The kid is ... eating lunch at the moment, excited about his birthday, has made a fort between the couch and ottoman

I am learning … that Phineus and Ferb isn't really that bad. sad I know. Oh and unjobbing is an interesting new concept

I am struggling with … juggling a bunch of things this week. vbs, bday party, packing, and then not just shutting down and vegging on the computer-not getting anything done.

This week is the first time … don't think I did anything new this week

I am grateful … for my little boy. He is awesome!

“The biggest change I’d like to see take place in my family in the remainder of 2011 is…..”

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

meme time :D

I haven't been the best about keeping up with this, but I kindly got reminded on the CU Facebook page.

This week I want to..... read Flat Stanley with The Boy and get a flat traveler put together.

The Boy is...wearing a hammer, screwdriver and adjustable wrench in his beltloops. He just found them in a car emergency kit that has been buried in the basement forever. He already tore the case apart. Now he is 'repairing' the cat house. haha

I am kick myself off of the computer and spend time with my son.

I am struggling with...a hurting foot. I think I have plantars fasciitis. It is getting better, but still is quite painful at times. I am wearing either my ancient Birkenstocks or my brand new Chacos. Love them both. They have good arch support, which is something that I need desperately. I have extremely high arches, and have been wearing cheap, flat sandals. I think that, along with being overweight is what really kicked this off. I'm just glad it's getting better.

This week is the first time ...I have ever carved anything out of a watermelon. Saturday is a friend's baby shower and I am going to carve one into a baby carriage. excited and nervous. pictures to come.

I am grateful...that it has stopped raining, that we only have 12 days until we go to the beach.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Time to myself

I often feel guilty for needing time alone. Some people get it. Some don't. I feel like my son sucks all of the energy out of me some times. Thankfully my husband finally does.

I actually feel weirdest around homeschool moms who seem to be soooo in love with their kids that they want to be with their kids all the time. Please don't get me wrong. I absolutely adore my son and really enjoy a lot of the time that we spend together, but some times... Some times the constant jumping and running and sound effects and sword play and slinky swooshing and nerf gun firing and get the idea.

Some times I just need some quiet, some time by my self. I feel like it is a time to charge up my batteries again. Now is that time. Dear husband and dear son have gone to a friend's pool. They tried to talk me into going with them. I really didn't want to go, which is really out of the norm for me, cause I could stay in the water and by the pool from June to Sept, if I didn't have to work, sleep, or pee. Ok I could actually do the last two at the pool two. haha juusstt kiddding.

So here I sit in my nearly quiet house. All I can hear is the a/c and a box fan. I have a list of things I could/should be doing, but the one at the top of the list is a N - A - P. So I think I will see you later.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

If I'm learning, then he will learn

I have really had a hard time getting off the computer for months. I'll admit that it is my sad attempt to escape. Escape what? Well, fear of failure, dealing with an incredibly intense child that doesn't listen well, etc, etc. Anyway, I am trying to break free from this. So this is where I find myself this fine, well, hellishly hot, Wednesday evening.

“This week we want to…" to be totally honest, I haven't thought about it. I would like to start thinking about the week before it starts, just to have some kind of plan.

“The kid is…” at this moment, trying to talk his father into going to the beginning of a worship cd that dh just turned on. It really warms my heart to see his desire to worship. Oh and the light saber just came back out. LOL When I came home from work, the two of them were running around the house, each with a light saber and a nerf gun, engaged in warfare with unseen enemies,laughing all the while.

“I am learning….” Well yesterday I bought a hammock, that I've wanted for quite some time. After watching several youtube videos about how to hang one and calling one very irritating associate at Academy Sports, we went to Lowe's to get the hardware and rope to hang it. Then I watched the video again, several times. I now get that repetition thing. After cutting the rope too short...TWICE, I finally got it right. I still don't understand how to calculate the correct length. I do however, after trial and error, know how to make a couple of different kinds of knots. It was very rewarding to press on, even through a lot of frustration, and accomplish this really cool task. I feel very proud of myself. I also tried to explain to The Boy that even though I was frustrated (I yelled a couple of times when I realized I cut the rope too short), I continued until I had it done. Don't really know if he got it or not.

"I am struggling with…” a lot of self esteem issues. My weight is really getting to me, but I feel completely helpless to change it. I'm looking forward to being at the pool frequently this summer and planning on doing some laps. I don't know if that's going to help much, but it is something. Because of where we live, it is near impossible to walk, run or ride a bike(that I don't even have). I know it sounds like I'm making excuses, but it really feels like there's no answer. I have also started thinking about some vitamins again, but I don't know if we can afford them.
There is another I knew when I quit my job that this would cause some financial hardship, but it really has been hard lately. I wish we could go on a vacation, put Joseph back in gymnastics, etc. but those things just out of reach right now.

“This week is the first time….” we got to go to our friend's pool! even though I feel like a beached whale in a swim suit, I love having some sun. I must be part iguana, needing vitamin D from the sun. LOL

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sciences...of all sorts

The Boy loves science, and has started a list of kinds of science. Here's the current list:
Today I had to clean our shower and I replaced the shower curtain with a pretty chocolate brown one that can be washed. I have come to hate the bleach concoctions that Dave uses to clean the shower, so I used vinegar, water, baking soda, and a lot of elbow grease. On a side note, I really felt good about using a more natural, less toxic way to clean.
So back to science, The Boy was very excited to pour the vinegar/water mixture into the baking soda and watch it foam up. He even got into scrubbing the tile in the shower (it was WAY over due for a cleaning), but that only lasted for a while. :) You know how hard work makes little children weak at the knees. LOL
I explained the the chemical reaction between the vinegar and baking soda to him and feel satisfied on our science lesson for the day.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our first Meme! Woohoo!

Today starts our first meme. Didn't even know what a meme was until I recently became a member of the christian unschoolers Facebook page. So, a meme is a when there are some set questions and we answer them each week.

Here are our questions.

This week we want to.... try to get more organized. I know that probably doesn't sound very 'unschooler' of me, but I feel like I'm floundering around not getting anything done.

The kid is... back to normal after his scare with swallowing the battery. We are also looking into some computer games today.

I am learning... I don't feel like I'm learning much of anything, but I'm sure that's a lie.

I am struggling with... hormones, whether or not to change cover groups, and if so, whwere do we go?

This week is the first time... don't really have any idea.

Hopefully next week I'll have a better idea.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Balancing Act

We have a pretty good sized list of things to do today, but I'm still in my nightgown! The reason is my love/hate relationship with my computer. I really enjoy being in contact with my friends, old and new alike, but I find myself on here way too much.

I have just found a new group of friends - The Unschoolers. LOL sounds kinda like The Incredibles. Several of them have blogs and we're going to be doing a meme. That's a new word for me. It's a couple of questions that we will answer each week, post them on our blog and post a link back to Christians Unschoolers.

These questions are floating around in my head. I struggle with___. My kid is doing_____. etc. There are several things I struggle with. getting off the computer. dealing with my temper and Joseph's.

He is sittiing here getting irrate because he can't remember how to rebuild the 'ship' he just destroyed. ?????

Oh my gosh! really? Ok. I'm getting off here. Have a great day!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

...2 years later...

I can't believe it has been two years since I've been on this blog. That is just crazy. I guess homeschooling - really figuring out what that is... and isn't, has been an interesting journey the last 2 years.

I am now working part time at a different optometrist from before we started homeschooling. It really is a God send. I can take doodlebug with me, and he hangs out until Dave comes and gets him. What does he do during that time? Some times he takes some toys. Other times we take my laptop and he watches a movie with earphones. The cool part is when we have children waiting to either be seen by the dr. or just waiting with their parents. He has gotten a lot better at making friends quickly and playing well with others. Imagine that - a socialized homeschooler. =P

Well, I must go. I have been on the computer long enough. I have a little boy who is getting very antsie